Nanchang Project is excited to announce we are now able to assist adoptees who would like to add their DNA to China’s National Reunion Database (also known as the National Police Database). As this database grows in popularity in China, we expect there to continue to be a growing number of matches occurring. More adoptees are matching with their birth families each year now! Our assistance in this is 100% free. You will be responsible for purchasing a blood sample card (we have listed volunteers to help with this) and for the sample shipment to China.

Detailed instructions are below:

Step 1: Gather your needed documents.

  • Access the National Reunion DNA form by clicking here. This form must be downloaded and edited on your computer (please note, you cannot download it from the mobile Google Drive app - you must access it via the desktop site!). You will need to print it out and sign it. Upload a photo of the completed form to the Google sign-up sheet in Step 2. You will also send this form with your completed blood sample, so hold onto it!

  • Your basic adoption information. This can be found in your adoption documents.

  • Your Adoption Certificate (aka the red book). An example can be viewed here.

  • Your WeChat QR (optional).

Step 2: Fill out the Google sign-up sheet.

  • Once you have gathered all of the required information, fill out the sign-up sheet here.

  • A volunteer will be assigned to you. They will walk you through the next steps of ordering your blood sample card and shipping the collected sample to China. We have volunteers ready to ship blood collection cards to adoptees in the USA, Canada, and Europe. If you choose to order the blood sample from our listed contacts, expect to pay around $5-8 USD, depending on location.

Step 3: Collect and ship your sample.

  • After you receive your blood collection card and complete the sample collection process, you will ship the sample to the provided address using a trackable shipping method (recommended). Anticipated costs for an individual to mail their sample to China is approximately $20-30 USD, though actual costs will vary on your location and chosen shipping company. Detailed instructions will be provided to you via your assigned Nanchang Project volunteer. Please update your volunteer with the tracking information once it’s sent.

Step 4: DNA is received and added to the database.

  • We will confirm receipt with the officer assisting in your case. This will also serve as your receipt of the DNA being added to the database. Please allow approximately 2-3 weeks for the sample to arrive in China and an additional 2 weeks for the sample to be fully added to the National Database. If/when a match occurs at any time in the future, you will be notified via the contact information provided to us at the time of your sign up.


National Reunion Database FAQ

What is the National Reunion Database and why should I add my DNA there?

The National Reunion Database (aka the "Police Database”) is a nationwide DNA database in China. In recent years, birth families have been encouraged to add their DNA to this database in the hopes of being able to find their lost, missing, or otherwise separated children. Over 100,000 Chinese birth families are estimated to be in this database, far greater than any Western database, including GEDmatch. Many Chinese parents believe their children are still in China, and feel that adding their DNA to this single database will be enough to eventually find them.

Is it safe to add my DNA to the National Reunion Database?

We are serving as an intermediary to offer assistance in being added to the database. We feel strongly that searching adoptees should consider every possible tool available to help them locate biological family members. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide what you are comfortable with and we are unable to make any claims about future safety in regards to any DNA testing.

I’ve already submitted paper DNA results to the Reunion Database through another organization, do I also need to submit a blood sample?

The National Reunion Database tests different DNA markers than most of the standard Western STR tests. If you were to match with someone in the database, and you have only submitted DNA results that were processed elsewhere (like LabCorp), we would recommend sending in your blood sample to verify the match.

What is the Y-DNA test listed on the DNA Form?

This is a secondary test, only available to male adoptees (assigned male at birth). The Y-DNA test is able to identify male relatives in the database, in addition to parent-to-child matches (standard test). This additional test increases your chances of being able to locate a close biological relative.

How much does this cost?

Nanchang Project’s assistance to you is FREE! You are just responsible for purchasing the blood collection card and for shipping the sample to China.

Can I partner up with others to save on shipping?

Yes! You are welcome to arrange a group shipment to save on shipping fees. We cannot directly assist in this, but please feel free to use our Origins Searches Facebook Group to try and make a group. We recommend limiting the grouped samples to no more than 5. Keep in mind that if in the unfortunate circumstance the group shipment fails to arrive to the police officer in China, all adoptees part of your group will need to order another blood collection card and mail it to China again.

What happens if I match to someone in the database?

First, congratulations!!!! That is fantastic news! A volunteer will contact you to let you know about the match. You may also receive an email from China’s Public Security Bureau, which would be in Chinese. Please do not ignore this thinking it is spam. If you are ever unsure about a message, you may contact Nanchang Project for additional insight. After you are notified about the match, you will be provided your birth parent’s contact information free of charge. We have volunteers ready to assist with those first precious introductions if you would like. You are in control of what happens next.

What other DNA tests and databases should I try?

We strongly urge Chinese adoptees to utilize as many databases as possible. This will increase your chance for a surprise match. View our list of DNA tests and databases here.